MILAN, ITALY - MAY 31, 2019: IBM Building In Porta Nuova Or New Door, The Main Business District In Milan


MUNICH, IBM Watson IoT Center and Microsoft Headquater in Munich Germany - May 08, 2018


Munich, Bavaria / Germany - June 22, 2019: Headquarters of Siemens AG in Munich, Germany - Siemens is a German multinational conglomerate company and largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe

Hitachi Ltd.


SAP, software, cloud, enterprise software, systems, applications, products, data, processing, database, technology, App, storage, banking, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, mainframe, multinational, computer, internet, hopp, hector, plattner, tschira, wellenreuther, standard software, building, headquarters, se, societas europaea, company, business, corporation, logo, modern, european, sign, space, technology, architecture, group, office, digital, professional, science, information, network, brand, consultancy, german, editorial, Germany, Hamburg, May 2009, Photo-ID: IEC31003